Reality When It Comes To Insurance For Individuals With Mental Illnesses

Edward Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy and President George Bush Signing the Parity Bill

Senator Pete Domenici, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, President George W. Bush, Representative Patrick J. Kennedy, and Representative Jim Ramstad Signing the Parity Act. © White House photo by Eric Draper

(4-29-19) From the Kennedy Forum: “The Parity Act was the signature achievement of Rep. Patrick Kennedy’s 16 years in Congress. Its passage was the culmination of perseverance over many years to overcome institutionalized insurance discrimination against persons with mental illnesses and substance use disorders.”

From: Securian Life Insurance Company, Group Medical Underwriting.

AddendumLife insurance is different from health insurance, as Kathy Day pointed out shortly after I posted this on my facebook page.  The reason why I posted it —  recognizing that  — is because of the parity act’s stated goal to: overcome institutionalized insurance discrimination.

Is this discrimination by a life insurance company? Let me know your thoughts.


About the author:

Pete Earley is the bestselling author of such books as The Hot House and Crazy. When he is not spending time with his family, he tours the globe advocating for mental health reform.

Learn more about Pete.