Short Six Minute Sample of New Video Presentation
(8-4-21) COVID has kept me from sharing my family’s story about resilience and recovery so I am now offering a professionally made 25 minute video for viewing by organizations. After the video, I am available for 30 minutes of questions and answers via ZOOM.
My son, Kevin, joined me in May for one of the initial presentations of the video at NAMI Vermont’s Pathways to Wellness Conference. After it was shown, I spoke on ZOOM from the parent perspective. Kevin spoke as a son and peer-to-peer specialist. The reaction:
- “Boy, this is NAMI in a nutshell – family angst and advocacy vs. the power of a loved one’s illness. Kudos to these two for not giving up.”
The video begins with me describing what it feels like to be the parent of an adult son with a serious mental illness. I recount how I tried and failed to get Kevin help when he had his first psychotic break. My Pulitzer Prize finalist book, CRAZY:A Father’s Search Through America’s Mental Health Madness, is an account of the first two years of our journey. I bring readers up-to-date in the video about the next five traumatic years – my son being tasered by police and repeatedly hospitalized – concluding with his decision to finally accept his illness. It was then that he received the help that he needed from a dedicated and compassionate case manager. I discuss what actually helped him and brag about how today, Kevin works full-time as a peer-to-peer specialist helping others. He recently earned a Masters Degree in Social Work and has been stable nearly two decades! Although it is painful for him to recall some of the worst days of his life, he continues to speak candidly and bravely about them using his life experiences to encourage others.
Since my book was published, I have shared our story of hope in every state but Hawaii and in six foreign countries, averaging more than a dozen speeches per year. COVID stopped me from traveling, but not from continuing to want to use our story to sound an alarm, offer hope and inspire others.
If you are interested in the video and ZOOM session, please contact me at for information about fees, which I use to support my advocacy.

Kevin and Pete Earley sharing their stories.