NAMI Sends Out Appeal To Law Enforcement Asking For Help: Medicaid Cuts Will Hurt Thousands

(6-26-17) The National Alliance on Mental Illness is asking law enforcement officers to help stop Trump-care because it will lead to even more individuals with mental illnesses ending up in jails.)

From NAMI National

Dear Law Enforcement Partners,

NAMI is grateful for everything you do to support people with mental illness and their families.

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate released the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) of 2017. Like the House health reform bill, it would drastically cut Medicaid, a program that provides vital services that keep people off the streets, out of jails and in recovery.

It would also result in tens of millions of Americans losing access to mental health and substance abuse care.

This is the worst threat we’ve seen to mental health services in decades.

Normally, we do not ask our law enforcement partners to get involved in advocacy. But this bill, if passed, will mean more people with mental illness homeless, on the streets, in jails – and make your jobs much more difficult and demanding.

Here’s what you can do to help:

  1. Speak up. Let your Senators know how this bill will affect law enforcement.

Make a call (for law enforcement leaders):

    • Dial the Capitol Hill switchboard at 202-224-3121, press #1 and enter your zip code. Then, choose one of your Senators.
    • After you’re connected with his/her office, say: “I am a law enforcement leader in the Senator’s state, and I have serious concerns about the Better Care Reconciliation Act. Can I please be connected with the health legislative assistant or chief of staff?”
    • Once you are connected, tell the staff member your name, position and jurisdiction and share these points:
      • As a law enforcement leader, I believe our state needs more mental health and substance abuse treatment, not less.
      • I am concerned that the Better Care Reconciliation Act would strip resources from an already-strained community mental health system — pushing more people with mental illness into emergency rooms, homelessness and jails.
      • Law enforcement already contend with too many mental health crisis situations; cutting Medicaid will make our job harder and make it harder for us to focus real public safety threats.
      • I urge the Senator to protect Medicaid and ensure that any health reform bill expands access to mental health and substance abuse care.

Send an email: Law enforcement leaders and officers, click here. (Not a member of law enforcement? Click here.)

  1. Spread the Word.
    1. Forward this email to other law enforcement leaders who care about mental health and substance abuse care.
    2. Post tweets. For greater impact, tweet directly at your US Senators by adding a dot, followed by their Twitter handle (for example, .@lisamurkowski). Also, you can post one of our images below with your Tweets, if you like.
  • Medicaid is vital to public safety. Cuts in the Senate bill will push people with mental illness into ERs and jails.
  • Medicaid provides treatment that keeps people out of jail and helps law enforcement focus on public safety.
  • Medicaid caps would reduce mental health and substance use treatment. Tell Congress: NO CUTS to Medicaid!
    1. Post to Facebook. Use the text below.

Law enforcement believes our country needs more mental health treatment, not less. Short-changing mental health will simply push more people with mental illness into emergency rooms, homelessness and jails. Tell your Senators to oppose any bill that cuts Medicaid and vital mental health and substance use treatment.


About the author:

Pete Earley is the bestselling author of such books as The Hot House and Crazy. When he is not spending time with his family, he tours the globe advocating for mental health reform.

Learn more about Pete.