(7-7-17) When I closed my eyes during James Hayes speech at the NAMI convention, I was whisked back to the days when I was a child and my family used to attend church revivals in Oklahoma. His speech, the last in this week-long series, was delivered with the enthusiasm of a evangelical preacher. I was not surprised when he was re-elected to another term on the board because his passion for NAMI came through loud and clear.
Dr. JAMES HAYES – NAMI Is Filled With Everyday Heroes
It is hard for a boy from South Carolina to do a 5 minute speech in less than 12 minutes but I’ll try.
We know about mental illness as we have 4 adult children, 3 of whom live with serious mental illness and 2 wonderful grandchildren who live with autism.
We know mental illness across the ages! NAMI has been a life saver for us.
We know about serious mental illness because we live with it every day!
I am a retired Pediatric Oncologist and when I started in 1972, 30% of children with cancer survived. Now in 2017, 92% survive.
We can do that in mental illness!