(1-14-19) Jerri Niebaum Clark has told her family’s story in a powerful segment on PBS News Hour.
She documents just how difficult it is for a family to get help when signs of mental illness emerge.
I believe personal stories are the most effective way for us to educate the public and our elected leaders – especially if they are told as poignantly as Jerri does.
People are dying. Others – whose only crime is that they got sick – are inappropriately locked inside our jails and prisons.
You are an inspiration Jerri!
This is not the first time she has spoken out. Jerri is the founder of MOMI – Mothers of the Mentally Ill. She is an inspiring example of how one person is making a difference.
Thank you Jerri for your courage and thanks to your son, Calvin, for allowing you to share his story.
Jerri received so many requests for help after the segment aired that she posted a follow up blog that contains smart advice.