Powerful HBO Documentary About Disturbed Children & Two Programs You Should Watch

(5-14-18) Here are three programs you should watch.

Number 1:  Virginia state Senator Creigh Deeds and Dr. Tom Insel are featured in a jarring look at children with serious emotional disorders and mental illnesses in the HBO documentary – A Dangerous Son. (Watch trailer above.)

Number 2: At the conservative, Republican Heritage Foundation,  psychiatrist and addiction specialist Dr. Sally Satel, author and advocate  D. J. Jaffe, and the National Alliance of Mental Illness’s Capitol Hill expert Andrew Sperling discuss whether government programs are helping or harming mental health care delivery.

Number 3: PBS’s Minds On The Edge program continues to be one of the best shows ever broadcast about what happens when someone gets a serious mental illness in America.

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Parents Insist Son’s Death Was Preventible: Tried To Get Him Help Numerous Times. Not Dangerous Enough, Yet Ended His Own Life While Mother Struggled To Stop Him

(5-11-18) Pat and Jerry Wood insist their adult son’s death could – and should – have been prevented. Instead, on this coming Mother’s Day weekend, the family will be holding a  private memorial for Brian Patrick Wood. Their account is one of the most disturbing examples that I have read about barriers to treatment – not only in Virginia – but across our nation. (Their son’s death happened in Loudoun County. I recently posted a blog from a distraught father who complained sheriff’s office deputies arrested his son after he’d called them for help. The sheriff responded in a follow up blog.)

Our Son’s Preventible Death – An email to Pete Earley from Pat and Jerry Wood

Dear Pete,

On March 22, our son, Brian, took his own life. My husband and I very strongly believe that Brian’s suicide could have been prevented if the first group of medical responders and sheriff officers who we called had acted appropriately.

What follows is a reconstruction of events to the best of our recollection and a question as to why officers who responded to our 911 call did not exercise their authority to use an ECO (Ref: Emergency Custody Order that allows a person to be taken to a hospital against their will in Virginia) to assist our son who clearly did not have the clarity of thought to act in his own interest.

As Brian became increasingly delusional and paranoid over a period of months, he called the (Loudoun) sheriff non-emergency number several times.

Brian had called them when he lived in an apartment in Leesburg and continued to do so when he moved to our house in Sterling.  Officers had come to our house in Sterling to investigate imagined break-ins and “suspicious people” loitering around the house at least twice or three times in the 2-3 weeks prior to Brian’s suicide.

Deputy Suggests Family Get ECO On Their Own

Deputy P. Brick (#3198) responded to these calls several times and became acquainted with Brian and his mental health status.  Because Brian did not present himself as being a danger to himself or others during these calls, Deputy Brick told us that he could not take Brian in for a mental health evaluation and we agreed with him at that time. The last time Brian asked officers to come to the house, Deputy Brick suggested trying to get an ECO ourselves from the magistrate on the grounds of “inability to care for self”. Please note that Brian had been hospitalized in Loudoun County several times over a 7 year period and had a history of being taken in by the sheriff’s office through emergency custody orders issued on our behalf by the magistrate. He had also been taken for mental health evaluations several times directly by the sheriff’s officers because of complaints by neighbors or, in one case, because of a domestic assault.

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The Addiction Solution: Re-Thinking How We Can Help

(5-8-18) Helping someone with an addiction is extremely difficult. As parents we are told the mantra: “You didn’t cause it, you can’t control it and you can’t cure it.”

But those words ring hollow if you love someone who has an addiction and you are trying to help him or her become well. Add in a mental illness and the difficulties increase.

I’d love to hear on my Facebook page what helped you and your family. Please share any information that led to someone you love beating pills and/or alcohol.

I have read several helpful books and now my friend, Dr. Lloyd I. Sederer, the chief medical officer for the New York State Office of Mental Health, is publishing a book today entitled: The Addiction Solution: Treating Our Dependence on Opioids and Other Drugs.

I greatly admire Dr. Sederer, respect his vast experience, and value his wisdom so I am happy to post an excerpt.

 Kirkus Review praised his book as a “comprehensive work” and explained that Dr. Sederer identifies ten key factors that influence how individuals interact with psychoactive substances and then explains approaches for treating those who become addicted.

Here’s an excerpt, printed with his permission, in which he describes the mess we currently are in.


Treating Our Dependence on Opioids and Other Drugs

Substance use, abuse, and dependence are like a plague in this country and throughout the world. We are losing not just our children to this disease, but brothers, sisters, parents, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. The body count from overdose deaths and rewarding lives lost to addiction continues to rise. We have yet to implement solutions that will deliver what is needed to overcome the addictive forces that are eroding our societies.

A major reason why we are failing is a dogged attachment to ideas and efforts that have not worked in beating the plague of addiction. Addiction is still here, unabated. The money we are paying—in this country and throughout the globe—is not just vast; it has sadly often been wasted on unsuccessful campaigns of drug control and on education efforts that rely on stressing the negative consequences of drug use.

       I believe that the biggest problem with so many of the psychoactive drugs, those that work on our brains and minds, is that they are so effective.

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Remembering Fallen Heroes: A Preventible Tragedy That Resulted In A Detective Who Helped My Son Being Murdered

(5-4-18) Not a May passes when I don’t recall the deaths of Fairfax County Police Officers Vicky O. Armel and Michael Garbarino who were ambushed by a mentally troubled young man armed with an AK-47 during an attack May 8th, 2006 at a police station near my home. They were reportedly the first Fairfax Police officers killed in the department’s history. After their deaths, I wrote a tribute to Detective Armel published in The Washington Post because of how kind she had been to my son, Kevin, when he first was  arrested.

This was long before Crisis Intervention Team training became a priority in Fairfax, yet she had a big heart and was a devoted Christian who became a police officer to serve and protect, but also to help those in need. A taped message that she had made was played at her funeral during which she spoke about her decision to dedicate her life to Jesus Christ. She was a wife and mother of two. Her killer had fled from a mental facility. Officer Garbarino had been a police officer 23 years and also was survived by his spouse and two children. His widow, Suzanne, later lashed out at the father of the 18 year-old shooter who was convicted of two federal gun charges and heavily criticized for allowing his disturbed son access to a military style weapon.

What strikes me about my original tribute in the Post is how the figures that I cited have not decreased but increased from 700,000 persons with mental illnesses being arrested each year to 2.2 million being booked into jail today.

But the legacy that Detective Armel left behind is what I will always remember most. She treated my son with kindness setting an example for other Fairfax Officers to follow today through CIT training. The irony and horror that she was later murdered by someone with mental illness can not be forgotten. Along with Officer Garbarino, she will be remembered.

In a time when police officers often are criticized for their handling of individuals who are mentally ill, it is important to remember the Vicky Armels in law enforcement.

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Why Don’t We Have Better Medications For Treating Serious Mental Illnesses? Grieving Father Tells Me Psychiatric Drugs Killed His Daughter

(4-30-18) I had just finished delivering a speech at the NATCOM18 about my relationship with my son. People were waiting off stage afterwards to share their stories.

One man, a mental health worker, stood by the exit until everyone else had gone.

With tears in his eyes, he approached me. His daughter, he explained, had a serious mental illness just like my son. He added, “The meds she was given, killed her.”

In the past twelve years since my book was published, I have received occasional complaints about medications and have been told how dangerous they often are. I have brushed aside most of these comments because nearly all of them came from individuals who were clearly anti-psychiatry or others who had some holistic remedy that had worked for them that they were pushing.

This man, who was clearly mourning his daughter’s death, was a mental health worker, someone in the industry. His credentials gave me pause.

My son has done well on medication. Each time, he has stopped taking his prescription, it has been a disaster. Individuals with mental illnesses often look for reasons to stop taking medicine.  I have been reluctant to even question the use of medication because I haven’t wanted to encourage anyone to stop and have a relapse. Yes, medications have dreadful side-effects, but not taking them can cause significant problems.

So what was I to think about this grieving father?

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I Give A 60 Second Speech: Why We Must Be Heard!

(4-24-18) The National Council for Behavior Health asked me to join five others in giving a less than a minute talk yesterday at the opening of its annual conference about the need for mental health reforms. The theme of the three day conference in Washington is “Be Heard.” I was thrilled to be the closing speaker and, unbeknownst to me, my friend and fellow advocate, D. J. Jaffe, taped my brief remarks while they were being shown on the jumbo screen.

Jaffe is speaking Wednesday (tomorrow morning) at the conference about his book, Insane Consequences: How Mental Health Industry Fails The Mentally Ill. His  speech is sure to draw a huge crowd because the NATCOM18 convention is the largest gathering of mental health providers in the U.S. and he has been critical of its members.

I was sad to learn yesterday during the opening ceremony that the national council’s executive director Linda Rosenberg plans to retire next year. She has built the group into a powerful, well-funded and highly respected organization with more than a $50 million annual budget. She is one of the smartest when it comes to understanding mental health financing of services and has been a tireless advocate for Americans with behavioral health problems. Her leadership and energy will be missed after she retires late next year.