CIT Returns to Fairfax County!

Top Notch, Inspirational Speakers!
When I’m asked to recommend a speaker, I immediately mention four mental health advocates.
I’ve seen Fred Frese, PhD., talk for two hours and still leave the audience wanting more. Diagnosed with schizophrenia while in the U.S. Marine Corps, Fred could have easily ended-up in the back mental ward of a state institution, forgotten and overlooked. Instead, he managed to win his freedom, take control over his symptoms and become a strident consumer advocate. Along the way, he earned a doctorate in psychology, ran a hospital ward and taught as a professor. As a speaker, he is an emotional powerhouse who causes listeners to leap to their feet.
Comments Disabled Until Futher Notice
Because of the recent amount of controversy and personal attacks in the comments across this site, the ability to add comments to the blog and on Pete’s Facebook page are disabled. We hope this will be temporary as Pete and I discuss a comment policy to implement across his multiple online platforms. Apologies to our readers who have contributed thoughtful and intelligent responses to the blog posts and thank you for your patience during this time.
For more information about this, please read Pete’s recent post.
Alternatives 2010: Answering Critics
An Alternative Voice — Courtesy of You
I came of age in the 1960s when Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was disrupting college campuses and demonstrators were protesting the Vietnam “conflict.”
So when a friend told me about an “alternative” mental health conference that was held last weekend in Anaheim, California, I immediately pictured a group of disgruntled attendees gathering to complain about the established psychatric community and plotting ways to change it.
The agenda for “ALTERNATIVEs 2010: Promoting Wellness Through Social Justice“ didn’t disappoint.
Comments Enabled with New Commenting Policy
As return readers of this site know, the ability to comment on the blog was recently suspended. A post Pete wrote caused some uncivil remarks and subsequently, we shut down comments while we developed a comment policy. Pete encourages debate and conversation and we feel this policy will allow for both while keeping comments respectful:
We apologize to those who have contributed to the site’s conversation already following these rules before they even posted and thank you for your readership and patience during the brief suspension.