(8-30-16) For the first time in my recent memory, a presidential candidate has given a speech about the need for mental health reform and has promised to hold a White House summit about mental health if elected. Regardless of your political views, this recognition of mental health as a major issue is a step forward.
Liz Szabo, who has done an excellent job at USA TODAY covering mental health, filed this story about Hillary Clinton’s call for better mental health care. Clinton’s rival, Donald Trump, has not yet issued a formal statement about mental health reform. If he does, I will post it. Meanwhile, you will recognize some familiar names in this story.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called for putting mental health care on par with other types of health care Monday (8-29) as part of a wide-ranging plan to address key problems in the treatment of people with mental illness.
The proposal calls for expanding early intervention in mental illness; a national initiative to prevent suicide, which kills more than 40,000 Americans a year; increasing training for police who are called to the scene of a mental health crisis;providing mental health care for non-violent offenders to help them avoid going to jail for minor offenses; and investing in brain and behavioral research to develop better treatments.