How One Woman Is Changing Lives Through Housing

I’ve written before about Trudy Harsh, a Fairfax Realtor who decided to do something about a lack of affordable housing in Fairfax County, Virginia, for persons with mental illnesses. I am happy that the NBC affiliate in Washington D.C. recently broadcast a news story about Trudy as part of the station’s continuing effort to educate viewers about mental health issues. (Earlier this year, the station broadcast a segment about my son, Kevin, and me as part of its fabulous Changing Minds series about mental health.) Trudy’s housing model has been copied in Florida.

Her inspiring story is a vivid example of the power of one person to change a community.

Congratulations Trudy and the Brain Foundation!

Stepping Up Campaign Urges Communities To Stop Jailing Persons With Mental Illnesses: NAMI Is Telling 31 Stories in 31 Days

It’s hard to describe mania to someone who has never experienced it. One minute I’m so high that my mind and body enter a nirvana-like state with feelings of ultimate power and supreme authority. And then in the next minute I feel so paranoid and scared that I think my heart will thump out of my chest.  Paton-Blough-300x300

In 2005, my mania escalated to the level that I believed a police officer was trying to pull me over to murder me. I took the police on a high-speed chase and was arrested for the first time in my life. A couple of days later, I believed I was waging nuclear war with China and President Bush was obeying my signals from my jail cell. I thought a microchip was implanted in my lung and the evil forces of the government were trying to control my actions. I was eventually placed in a mental health hospital and remained there for nearly a month.

This is how Paton Blough begins his personal story about his encounter with law enforcement. Paton’s narrative is the first in an ambitious series called 31 Stories in 31 Days being launched this month by the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

Each day during May a different story will be told, including one later this month by my son, Kevin Earley.

NAMI’s 31 Stories in 31 Days will put human faces on a shameful, national scandal — the inappropriate incarceration of persons with mental illnesses in our jails and prisons. (An estimated 500,000 persons!) The program was created to augment a new national effort called Stepping Up that is being launched on Tuesday (May 5th) by NAMI,  the Council of State Governments, the National Association of Counties, the American Psychiatric Foundation and numerous law enforcement associations, mental health organizations, and substance abuse organizations.

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A Different View From A Psychiatrist About The ER Nurse Bitten By A Patient

(5-1-15) My friend, Dr. Dinah Miller, a Baltimore psychiatrist and one of the authors of the popular blog, Shrink Rap, took issue with a blog post that I published April 20th about an emergency room nurse who’d been bitten by a psychotic patient and decided to press criminal charges. That blog hit a nerve with many of you. As a follow up, I checked on the court hearing in this case and learned it had been postponed until June.)

Some thoughts on Authority and Victimization

This is our blog, and it’s my place to vent some, and on this beautiful morning in Baltimore with all the trees in bloom in pink and white, I could really use some space to vent.  While none of us were in the middle of the unrest, it is awful to watch our beloved city on CNN — this isn’t how it should be.
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“Excited Delirium” Blamed For Natasha McKenna’s Death In Custody; Questions Raised About No Fairfax Police Officer Ever Being Charged After A Fatal Shooting


(4-28-15) A woman with schizophrenia, who was repeatedly shot with a 50,000 volt Taser while in jail restrained with handcuffs and leg shackles, died from “excited delirium,” according to the Virginia Medical Examiner’s Office.

In an editorial in today’s Washington Post, the newspaper described that ruling as being “troubling for several reasons.” My former colleagues at The Post have been aggressively reporting on the death of Natasha McKenna ever since I revealed nearly three months ago the violent circumstances surrounding the 37 year-old black woman’s death while in custody. Here is a snippet from the Post editorial.

Medical examiners around the country have cited ‘excited delirium’ as a cause of death with increasing frequency for the past decade or so, almost exclusively in cases involving civilians — arrested and prison or jail inmates — who die in struggles with law enforcement officers. Not infrequently, those deaths have involved the use of stun guns, usually Tasers, by police…

The American Civil Liberties Union, among others, has cast doubt on ‘excited delirium’ as a cause of death, suggesting it is used mainly to give cover to excessive use of force by law enforcement…That point is reinforced by the fact that neither the American Medical Association nor the American Psychiatric Association appears to recognize ‘excited delirium’ as a medical or mental health condition…Outside of the medical examiner’s profession, the term does not seem to occur in medical textbooks.

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Debate About Building New Asylums Between Drs. Emanuel and Sederer

4-27-2015   Yesterday I published a blog about the controversy surrounding Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel and his colleagues’ JAMA article calling for states to begin constructing modern day asylums. I mentioned two points of view — Emanuel’s and Dr. Lloyd Sederer’s. Today I am posting the friendly debate that the two men had during last week’s National Council For Behavioral Health’s conference. This video is 30 minutes long and courtesy of the council. 


“We Need Modern Day Asylums!” – Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel’s Suggestion Shakes Things Up But Is It Realistic?


The downtown includes activity centers that are located along interior streets and squares.

The asylum’s  downtown includes activity centers that are located along interior streets and squares.

Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel and two of his colleagues from the Department of Medical Ethics and Health at the University of Pennsylvania, have caused a dust up by suggesting that one way to improve long-term psychiatric care is by bringing back mental asylums.

They raised this premise in an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in January.

As you might suspect, a call for resurrecting mental asylums outraged many advocates who have been pushing for decades to close all state hospitals in favor of community based treatment services.

Here is a sampling of what Emanuel, along with Dominic A. Sisti, PhD., and Andrea G. Segal, MS, wrote:

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