“I’ve not lost my purpose or sense of urgency!”
An emotional speech by a most welcomed advocate for mental health reform.
Some highlights:
1. He twice involuntarily committed his son before the tragedy that ended with Deeds in the hospital and his son’s suicide.
2. Because his son was an adult, no psychiatrist ever talked to him about his son’s condition which he found frustrating.
3. His son stopped taking his medication before the attack. “My son talked about how the drugs hurt him, physically hurt him.”
4. Deeds was told and believed his son would outgrow his mood disorder.
5. “Never felt afraid.,” Deeds said. Never felt his son was dangerous.
6. Deeds said because his son’s illness surfaced when he was an adult, his only option was going before a magistrate. “What do you do with someone who refuses to be treated?” Deeds asked. He said he didn’t have an answer for that.
“My goal is to remake the system….”