NRA Wants A Mental Health Database – How About NRA Members With Diagnoses?
Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association, has recommended that we put armed security guards in our schools. He’s made several stigmatizing and hurtful statements about persons with mental illnesses. I’d enjoy hearing your responses. Here are mine.
1. It would cost several billion dollars to put armed guards in every school. If we are going to spend that much public money, let’s do it to improve our mental health care system. Let’s fund mental health screening and educational programs that combat stigma by teaching students that getting a mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of.
A Father Grieves: No One Listened To The Parents

Matt Milam, another casualty
Pat Milam knows what it is like to bury a child. But it was not a gunman who murdered his son in October 2011. It was America’s failed mental health system, the still-grieving father says.
Pat and Debbie Milam’s twenty-four year old son, Matthew, ended his own life eight days after he was discharged from a psychiatric ward in New Orleans, Louisiana, where he was being treated for bi-polar disorder and paranoid schizophrenia – although his parents have a difficult time actually calling what happened comprehensive “treatment.” Pat calls it “stabilize and release.” They claim Matthew was hustled through a system that did little to actually help their son while their repeatedly pleas for help were ignored.
Much More To My Son’s Story: He Recovered!
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I am grateful to NBC Nightly News for calling attention to how difficult it is for families to get their loved ones help after they have been diagnosed with a mental illness. But there is more to my family’s story than what could be broadcast in two minutes.
My son was finally able to get the meaningful help that he needed to recover once he eventually got into our mental health system. A key player in his success was a wonderful case manager, Cynthia Anderson, and the jail diversion team/intensive case management team that she oversees in Fairfax County, Virginia. After my son’s last major break, she fought to keep him in a hospital until he was ready to be discharged. She got my son into see a psychiatrist and therapist who actually took time to know him as a person. She got my son into a transitional housing program. She got him into a training program so that he could become a certified peer-to-peer specialist. My son is living proof that most persons with mental illnesses can and do recover if and when they are given the wrap around services that they need to succeed.
Sandy Hook: What Are You Doing To Help!
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The senseless murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School have pricked the conscious of our nation. I’ve been doing my best this week to call attention to the need for mental health reforms, even though no one has said, for certain, that the shooter had a mental disorder.
Talking about the shootings is tricky. We must make it clear that persons with mental illnesses are more likely to be the victims of violence than to be responsible for it. At the same time, these terrible shootings have opened a window for us to advocate for better care.
My Son’s Reaction To The Sandy Hook Shootings
Several readers have asked me what my son, Kevin Michael, has to say about the horrible shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Here is his response.
It seems there have been an abundance of shootings in America this past year. Instead of looking for a scapegoat, or a solution, I say we look at ourselves. Do we mock others who are not like us? Is the behavior we exhibit kind and generous and encouraging? Do the interactions we have with others lead to them feeling isolated, dejected and depressed, or …do our interactions lead them to feeling warm, appreciated and included? Do we celebrate violence, whether through our entertainment, music, video games or movies? Do we judge those who don’t have materials we have? Do we socially ostracize those who don’t meet whatever criteria of “success” we hold of them?