I was asked by a reader to post this Missing Person’s Poster and am happy to do so. This is every parent’s nightmare — a child off medication disappears. For updates, you can visit the family’s Facebook page.
Real Hannibal Lectors, Brain disorders, and A New Book
I’ve been asked what I am writing now and while many authors are reluctant to talk about projects before they are completed, I am going to share some news with you. My new book is tentatively called The Serial Killer Whisper and will be published by Simon and Schuster next year.
I don’t want to give away too much because there should be tremendous media interest when the book is released and I do not want to undercut that.
But here are some highlights.
Mental Illness, Money, and Cheats

Mental Illnesses Never Take Vacations
Of Your Books, Which Is Your Favorite?
It’s a question I get asked a lot.

Answering it isn’t as easy as you might think. For an author, picking a favorite book is a little like asking a father if he loves one of his children more than the others. That’s an exaggeration, of course, but when you spend several years of your life consumed in writing a book, the finished manuscript becomes much more to its creator than ink, paper, or in today’s world, electronic text.
What Advice Would You Give? What Advice Do You Wish Someone Would Have Given You?
A family friend stopped by unexpectedly and began to cry the moment she entered our house. She explained that her son had been diagnosed with a serious mental illness.
She asked me for advice.
It’s easy for those of us who have been dealing with mental disorders for many years to forget how we felt the first time we learned that someone we loved had a brain disorder. But seeing my friend in distress instantly reminded me of how confused, angry and hopeless I had felt when Mike first became ill.