Editor’s note: USA TODAY asked me to comment specifically about mental illness and gun control. Here is my Op Ed that the newspaper is running on its website. (http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2012/12/15/pete-earley-on-shooter-and-mental-illness/1771203/)
My adult son’s voice was rattled.
“You watching the news about Sandy Hook?” he asked.
“Yes, 20 children and six adults murdered,” I replied.
He let out a sad sigh. “I’m trying to wrap my head around this.”
Like most Americans, my adult son was distraught about Friday’s murders. How could anyone not be? But for him the news was especially unsettling. That’s because he’s one of “them.” He’s one of the ones being demonized on television. He’s been diagnosed with a mental illness. He’s been arrested. He’s been hospitalized in mental wards.